“Norm takes pride in his Asian heritage and is an ardent champion of Asian American-led content that avoids pandering to stereotypes. He possesses an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and continuously pushes himself..a strong sense of dedication without taking himself too seriously.. a distinct voice and an unassuming brilliance in his craft, often shedding light on the human experience with a clever sense of humor that catches you off guard

James Choi – Award-Winning EP

Norm starred in my film, The Trafficker, and to call the experience of working together a pleasure would be an understatement. Norm was a true collaborator and a true friend, sharing his ideas on story, dialogue translations, and was always open and willing to explore the depths of his character. His presence was calming and he demonstrated a gentle leadership among his fellow actors and crew, helping to ensure our set environment was safe and welcoming for everyone. I can’t wait to work with Norm again in the future! 

James Austen – Writer-Director

Not only did his initial audition impress me enough to offer him the role without considering anyone else, but also his portrayal was so much more than I ever expected. I now consider Norman a great friend and absolutely talented collaborator, I cannot wait to work with him again in the future.

Alycya Magaña – Writer-Director

Thoughtful, kind, and genuine.

Matt Miller – Director/Executive Producer, Teachers

J’ai eu la chance de travailler avec Norman sur deux différents tournages au cours de ma carrière, quel plaisir de travailler avec un acteur si talentueux!
Norman est un excellent acteur, mais pas seulement, son énergie, enthousiasme et politesse font de lui un parfait allié. Il est toujours à l’écoute et respectueux de ce qu’on lui dit, que ce soit par le réalisateur ou par le reste de l’équipe technique. Il fera toujours tout pour aider à ce que les conditions de tournages soient les meilleures et mettre une bonne ambiance tout en restant très professionnel et courtois. 
Mon expérience avec Norman a été si bonne sur le premier tournage que nous sommes restés en contact, puis par la suite, très bons amis.  J’attends avec impatience de pouvoir retravailler avec lui!

I had the chance to work with Norman on two separate shoots, what a pleasure to work with such a talented actor!
Norman is not only an excellent actor, his energy, enthusiasm and attitude make him a perfect ally. He is always open and respectful to input, be it from the director or the rest of the technical team. He will always do what he can to help ensure optimal shooting conditions and maintain a good environment by staying very professional and courteous.
My experience with Norman was so good on the first shoot that we kept in touch and became very good friends afterwards. I look forward to working with him again!

Guillaume Le Mezo – Cinematographer

Norman 是一个十分优秀的演员,这不仅仅体现在他的表演技巧上面。在与他的合作中你能体会到他对于剧情故事的深度理解,以及属于自己个人的延展性解读。在前期剧本磨合的过程中他用属于自己的理解翻译并改进了一些台词使得他本身角色更为生动。

Norman is an extraordinary actor, which is not only reflected in his acting, but as we worked with him, we experienced him merging a deep understanding of the story with his own artistic interpretation. During the early table reads, his knowledge of the nuances between Chinese and English allowed him to help us improve the Chinese translation of an originally English script to make his role even more vivid.

Jerry Fan – Producer